The Treasure Map!
The Treasure!
The girls are home from school. The kids found
the treasure map hanging on our door.
"What is this?" Kenley shouted
The kids reading their map. And plotting on where each one \
would go and retrieve the clue cards.
Kaylee found the first clue card.
Karson found the second clue card.
Kenley found the third clue card.
At this point Kenley wanted to take over.
She found the fourth clue card.
Karson found the last clue card.
Now it was time to put the clues together.
They found their "Treasure". They did enjoy searching
but I believe they enjoyed eating the
brownies more than anything.
Karson asked if we were going
to hunt for our snack every Wed.
Just a thought, I told him we might do something
special on Wed. for snacks.
I had a lot of fun with this. I hid the clues while Karson was watching a movie on the computer. I came from outside and he said "I did not even know that you were outside." So it was a surprise to him as much as it was to the girls.